IB. Evolution, Enlightenment, and Medicine

25 May 2011

Here you can access content generated by NourishingDestiny founder Lonny Jarrett. There are articles, interviews, and audio files available. This class has been approved for 4 PDA points by the NCCAOM and the California Acupuncture Board. Note that this class satisfies the ETHICS requirement for recertification. The following material begins to elaborate an enlightened perspective on the practice of medicine from an evolutionary perspective beyond the postmodern value system inherent in new age healing. Please note: No Refunds after Course content is Accessed.

  1. Audio

    Chinese Medicine in the 21’st Century-NYC 10.18.08

    This is a good introduction to my perspective on the context of Chinese medicial practice here at the beginning of the 21'st century. Apologies for the New York City background noise.  

    Address to Pacific Symposium 10/08

    My address to the general assembly of the Pacific Symposium 10/08. Please listen.
  2. Articles

    The Awakening of Conscience

    What is the purpose and responsibility of a holistic or integral medical practitioner? There is much talk of holistic and integral medicine these days. It seems to me that, at the very least, the focus of any medicine that is truly holistic or integral would have to be on assisting patients to evolve from a relatively …

    The awakening of Choice

    Please read this.

    Chinese Medicine in the 21’st Century

  3. The Awakening of Conscience

    What is the purpose and responsibility of a holistic or integral medical practitioner? There is much talk of holistic and integral medicine these days. It seems to me that, at the very least, the focus of any medicine that is truly holistic or integral would have to be on assisting patients to evolve from a relatively …

    The awakening of Choice

    Please read this.

    Chinese Medicine in the 21’st Century-NYC 10.18.08

    This is a good introduction to my perspective on the context of Chinese medicial practice here at the beginning of the 21'st century. Apologies for the New York City background noise.  

    Address to Pacific Symposium 10/08

    My address to the general assembly of the Pacific Symposium 10/08. Please listen.

    Multiple Choice Test

    Answer the following questions and mail to Lonny Jarrett: [email protected] 1. A characteristic of integral medicine is that: a. Anything I do, or think, is integral because I’m the one doing it. b. It uses lots of techniques and systems from different cultures and time periods. c. It integrates Western medicine and Eastern medicine. d. The integrity of the practitioner …


    The NCCAOM now asks that you complete a WORKSHEET in addition to your test. Please answer these questions and send them in with your exam. Thank you. 1. In the audio: Chinese Medicine in the 21′st Century-NYC 10.18.08 Lonny focuses on: a. Technique b. Perspective 2. In my article, “The Awakening of Conscience” I say about holistic medicine that we must: a. Help …
  4. Multiple Choice Test

    Multiple Choice Test

    Answer the following questions and mail to Lonny Jarrett: [email protected] 1. A characteristic of integral medicine is that: a. Anything I do, or think, is integral because I’m the one doing it. b. It uses lots of techniques and systems from different cultures and time periods. c. It integrates Western medicine and Eastern medicine. d. The integrity of the practitioner …